2nd ExaHyPE User Workshop
22 July 2019
Researchers interested in solving hyperbolic PDE systems using high order numerical schemes (in particular discontinuous Galerkin) are cordially invited to the 2nd ExaHyPE User Workshop.
ExaHyPE is an open source simulation engine to solve systems of hyperbolic equation systems. Users can try out the engine while some developers are around, i.e. they start the week with a problem given as PDE in mind and go home with a working first prototype built on top of ExaHyPE.
The workshop takes place at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in Garching (near Munich, Germany) from 22-26 July 2019.
A limited number of travel grants to European partners can be provided.
Registration form: https://exahype-workshop.eventbrite.co.uk/