CoEs Joint Technical Workshop
27 January 2021

ChEESE co-organises a virtual workshop called "First Joint CoEs Technical Workshop" with other Centers of Excellence EXCELLERAT and HiDALGO. This event, which takes place on 27-29 January 2021, is open to ChEESE, EXCELLERAT and HiDALGO partners. Invited members of other CoEs may also participate.

Several ChEESE partners present in this event:

Michael Bader (TUM) presents "Addressing load balancing challenges due to fluctuating performance and non-uniform workload in SeisSol and ExaHyPE" in the Load Balancing session of the workshop.

Soline Laforet (Atos) presents "Exascale Co-design Approach with the SeisSol Practical Case" in the Co-design session.

Giorgio Amati (CINECA) presents "Introduction by CINECA".

Piero Lanucara (CINECA) presents "GPU Porting and strategies by ChEESE" and Marc de la Asunción presents " The HySEA GPGPU development and its role in ChEESE project" in the GPU Porting session.

Marc de la Asunción (UMA) presents "The HySEA GPGPU development and its role in ChEESE project".


More information:


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First Joint CoEs Technical Workshop : 27-29 January 2021
Open to ChEESE, EXCELLERAT, HiDALGO participants

Workshop sessions limited to 35 attendees only. (Invited participants from other CoEs may apply to attend)



Session 1: Load balancing Session 2: In situ and remote visualisation Session 3: Co-Design Session 4: GPU Porting
Wednesday 27 January Afternoon Thursday 28 January Morning Thursday 28 January Afternoon Friday 29 January Morning
14:00-16:45 CET / 13:00-15:45 GMT 10:00-13:15 CET / 09:00-12:15 GMT 14:00-16:35 CET / 13:00-15:35 GMT 10:00-13:15 CET / 09:00-12:15 GMT
Chairperson: Ricard Borrell, BSC Chairpersons: Lorenzo Zanon & Anna Mack, HLRS Chairperson: Gavin Pringle, EPCC Chairpersons: Ivan Spisso & Piero Lanucara, CINECA


Link to detailed agenda of topic 1 - Load Balancing Link to detailed agenda of topic 2 - In situ & remote visualisation Link to detailed agenda of topic 3 - Co-design Link to detailed agenda of topic 4 - GPU Porting
Speakers: Marta Garcia(BSC) , Ricard Borrell(BSC), Gabriel Staffelbach(CERFACS), Michael Bader (TUM), Robert Elsäßer(PLUS) Speakers: Miguel Zavala(KTH), Simone Bna(CINECA), Anna Mack(HLRS), Uwe Wössner(HLRS), Dennis Grieger (HLRS) Speakers: Gavin Pringle(EPCC), Nick Brown(EPCC), Nikela Papadopoulou(ICCS), Soline Laforet(ATOS), Ivan Spisso(CINECA) Speakers: Ivan Spisso(CINECA), Piero Lanucara, Simone Bna(CINECA), Marc de la Asuncion(UMA)