The course videos are now available. Please click the links below.
CHEESE Advanced Training on HPC for Computational Seismology Day 1-Introducing the codes
CHEESE Advanced Training on HPC for Computational Seismology Day 2-SeisSol session
CHEESE Advanced Training on HPC for Computational Seismology Day 2-SPECFEM3D session
CHEESE Advanced Training on HPC for Computational Seismology Day 3-Salvus session & Wrap up
Place: Online
Date: 21-23 October 2020
Time: 9:00-17:00
Are you interested in numerical wave simulations but feel like there are too many codes and methods out there and don’t know which option is right for you? Or perhaps you just want to refresh your knowledge and gain some practical experience with the different possibilities? Either way, this fully virtual workshop is for you!
During three full days on 21- 23 October 2020, you will receive introductory hands-on tutorials for ExaHyPE, Salvus, SeisSol, and SPECFEM3D, which are four different high-performance computational seismology software packages focused on waveform modeling and inversion. The workshop will provide you with an overview of their similarities, differences, and areas of applicability. Unique and in-depth half-day practicals will be provided for each package, with computational resources provided by HLRS. Participants will also be encouraged to present their own work and/or motivation as a one-minute lightning-talk during the wrap-up session of the workshop.
This training event is hosted by ChEESE, the Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth and supported by the ENERXICO project.
The organizers look forward to seeing you in October!
Target Audience
Researchers and students of all levels interested in augmenting their science with numerical waveform and dynamic rupture simulations as well as full-waveform inversion.
Learning outcomes
- A basic introduction to waveform physics modeling
- Hands-on experience with four different wave propagation codes
- Basic knowledge of computational seismology (e.g., familiarity with the elastic wave equation)
- Basic knowledge of Python and Jupyter notebooks
- Optional: basic programming skills (C/C++, only for the ExaHyPE course module)
Course lecturers
SPECFEM3D - Vadim Monteiller (CNRS), Amandine Sergeant (CNRS)
SeisSol - Alice-Agnes Gabriel (LMU Munich), Duo Li (LMU Munich) , Thomas Ulrich (LMU Munich), Aniko Wirp (LMU Munich), Bo Li (LMU Munich), Taufiq Taufiqurrahman (LMU Munich), Carsten Uphoff (TUM), Sebastian Wolf (TUM)
Salvus - Lion Krischer (ETH Zurich), Michael Afanasiev (ETH Zurich), Christian Bohm (ETH Zurich)
ExaHyPE - Leonhard Rannabauer (TUM), Anne Reinarz (TUM and Durham University), Lukas Krenz (TUM), Jean-Matthieu Gallard (TUM), Philipp Samfaß (TUM)
Course organisers
Jose Gracia (HLRS), Rose Gregorio (BSC)
Day 1: 21 October 2020
09:00-09:30 Introduction on how to use Zoom
09:30-10:30 Introduction to ExaHyPE & SeisSol
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Introduction to SPECFEM3D & Salvus
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-13:30 Lightning talks
13:30-16:30 ExaHyPE code
Day 2: 22 October 2020
09:00-12:00 SeisSol code
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-13:30 Lightning talks
13:30-16:30 SPECFEM3D code
Day 3: 23 October 2020
09:00-12:00 Salvus code
12:00-13:00 Break
13:00-13:30 Lightning talks
13:30-14:00 Wrap up
14:00-16:00 Q&A with the instructors
About the codes
ExaHyPE (“An Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine” www.exahype.org ) is a software engine for solving systems of first-order hyperbolic partial differential equations. As an “engine”, ExaHyPE provides well-defined numerical schemes (high-order discontinuous Galerkin) on a fixed mesh infrastructure, but lets users formulate the specific PDE. In this course you will learn how to do so by implementing the acoustic wave equation within ExaHyPE. We will also provide an outlook to more complicated seismic modeling based on ExaHyPE.
SeisSol (www.seissol.org ) is a software package for simulating wave propagation and dynamic earthquake rupture based on the arbitrary high-order accurate derivative discontinuous Galerkin method (ADER-DG). SeisSol employs fully adaptive, unstructured tetrahedral meshes to combine geometrically complex 3D geological structures with nonlinear rheologies and frictional failure across fault systems.
SPECFEM3D The software package SPECFEM3D (https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d) simulates seismic wave propagation at the local or regional scale and performs full-waveform inversion or adjoint tomography-based upon the spectral-element method. It can, for instance, model seismic waves propagating in sedimentary basins or any other regional geological model following earthquakes. SPECFEM3D simulates wave propagation for acoustic (fluid), visco-elastic (solid), coupled acoustic/visco-elastic models in any type of conforming mesh of hexahedra (structured or not). In this course, you will learn how to set up with SPECFEM3D different kinds of simulations relevant in seismology (eg: Basin, subduction zone, volcano, etc.). You will learn how to use the internal mesher MESHFEM3D and how to perform forward modeling. We will also give an overview of the inversion capabilities of the SPECFEM3D package (gradient or sensitivity kernels based on adjoint computation, full waveform inversion).
Salvus (http://salvus.io) is a high-performance and scalable software package that solves full-waveform forward and inverse problems using the spectral-element method in both two and three dimensions. In this course we will give an interactive overview of the full-waveform inversion (FWI) process, including data processing, adjoint-source generation, gradient computation, workflow management, and nonlinear model updates. At the conclusion of the session, participants should have the knowledge required to set up and solve realistic FWI problems of their own.
This course is free to all participants.
Please register here: https://regi.hlrs.de/2020/CHEESE/registration/reginit
*You will receive a confirmation email upon registration.
*An HLRS User Admission Form will be sent after the registration deadline. Please make sure to fill this in and send it back in order to receive the Zoom link to the course.
*Registration deadline is on Sunday, 4 October 2020.
*Please be aware that this online course will be recorded and uploaded to the ChEESE website and affiliated websites and social media.