ChEESE participates in the SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS21) by organising one minitutorial and organising and presenting in one minisymposium at the event.
Alice-Agnes Gabriel and Carsten Uphoff (LMU) present a minitutorial titled "High-Performance Computing for Computational Seismology and Earthquake Physics" on 22 June 2021 at 4:50 PM - 6:50 PM.
About the minitutotial:
Seismology has a long tradition of using and advancing computational and numerical methods to study the nonlinear physics of earthquake processes and their impacts, the multiple scales of seismic wave propagation and to image the Earth’s interior. The abundance of high-quality data contained in the waveforms of continuous seismic and geodetic recordings along with the growth of high-performance computing (HPC) capabilities is transforming our view of the Earth. Exploiting expected exascale computing infrastructure, specifically, is currently driving innovation towards unprecedented resolution and forward model complexity. We will review recent advances in computational seismology and provide a hands-on introduction into HPC for earthquake and deterministic ground motion modeling using the open-source software SeisSol (www.seissol.org). We focus on challenging 3D subsurface geometries using automatic, fully adaptive, unstructured tetrahedral mesh generation. An arbitrary high-order accurate derivative discontinuous (ADER) local time-stepping discontinuous Galerkin method deals with nonlinear rheologies and frictional failure across intersecting fault systems, including “bad” meshes, e.g. with sliver elements. SeisSol has been optimized in a hardware-aware manner enabling the computation of models with trillion degrees-of-freedom and was awarded the 2017 SC Best Paper Award and 2014 ACM Gordon Bell Prize nomination.
Alice-Agnes Gabriel and Michael Bader co-organise the minisymposium titled "Physics- Based Earthquake and Tsunami Simulation", which takes place on 24 June 2021 at 12:20-18:30.
The ChEESE talks under this minisymposium include:
"Coupled Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Tsunami Modeling: From Subduction to Tsunami Run Up" by Aniko Wirp (LMU)
"3D Coupled Simulations of Dynamic Rupture, Elastic, Acoustic and Tsunami Wave Propagation" by Lukas Krenz (TUM)
"Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis: Pushing the Limits with High Performance Computing" by Steven Gibbons (NGI)
Another ChEESE talk in the Advances in Scalable High Order Numerics for NWP and Climate Modeling minisymposium:
"High-Order DG Solvers for Hyperbolic Problems in Exahype - from Shallow Water to Solid Earth and Atmosphere" by Michael Bader (TUM)