ChEESE organises a session at the EGU General Assembly 2021 called "Towards Exascale Supercomputing in Solid Earth Geoscience and Geohazards", which takes place on 29 April at 11:00 am - 11:45 am.
This session is convened by ChEESE partners Arnau Folch (BSC), Steven Gibbons (NGI), Marisol Monterrubio-Velasco (BSC), Jean-Pierre Vilotte (IPGP) and Sara Aniko Wirp (LMU).
The vPICO presentations will be given by the following ChEESE members:
Leonardo Mingari (BSC) presents "Ensemble-based data assimilation of volcanic aerosols using FALL3D+PDAF" at 11:00–11:02.
Beatriz Martínez Montesinos (INGV) presents "Probabilistic Tephra Hazard Assessment of Campi Flegrei, Italy" at 11:02-11:04.
Otilio Rojas (BSC) presents "Towards physics-based PSHA using CyberShake in the South Iceland Seismic Zone" at 11:04-11:06.
Nathanael Schaeffer (IPGP/UGA) presents "Efficient spherical harmonic transforms on GPU and its use in planetary core dynamics simulations" at 11:06-11:08.
Natalia Poiata (IPGP) presents "Data-streaming workflow for seismic source location with PyCOMPSs parallel computational framework" at 11:08-11:10.
Federico Brogi (INGV) presents "Optimization strategies for efficient high-resolution volcanic plume simulations with OpenFOAM" at 11:10-11:12.
Marta Pienkowska (ETH) presents "Deterministic modelling of seismic waves in the Urgent Computing context: progress towards a short-term assessment of seismic hazard" at 11:12-11:14.
Claudia Abril (IMO) presents "Ground motion simulations for finite-fault earthquake scenarios on the Húsavík-Flatey Fault, North Iceland" at 11:14-11:16.
Eduardo César Cabrera Flores (BSC) presents "A hybrid system for the near real-time modeling and visualization of extreme magnitude earthquakes" at 11:16-11:18.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to chat with the authors of the posters at 11:18–11:45.
More about this session:
The leading-edge computational and data facilities of the forthcoming Exascale era will bring a variety of currently inaccessible Solid Earth computational challenges within reach. Firstly, many Geoscience calculations that are currently unaffordable due to the size of the computational domain, necessary model resolution, or insurmountable data requirements, will become increasingly tractable. Secondly, Exascale supercomputing will facilitate probabilistic framework approaches to ever larger and more complex problems, through larger ensembles of model realizations and incorporating high-end data inversion, model data assimilation, and uncertainty quantification. Finally, Urgent High Performance Computing will become a reality with complex numerical simulations, potentially with large model ensembles, becoming possible in near real-time. Numerous natural hazards which pose a direct threat to human life and critical infrastructure (e.g. earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfire, landslides, and tsunamis) can require rapid and well-informed decision making in the emergency management process. The basis for these decisions is often provided by complex and data-intensive numerical models and we face a challenge of designing and implementing robust and powerful workflows (including computing, data management, sharing and logistics, and post processing) which present stakeholders with relevant and accurate results in a timely manner. This transdisciplinary session seeks contributions related to the preparation of codes for Exascale, geoscience workflows and services, adapting codes for emerging hybrid hardware architectures, e-services demanding Urgent HPC, early warning and forecasts for geohazards, hazard assessment, and high-performance data analytics. Examples include codes and workflows for near real-time seismic simulations, full-waveform seismic inversion, ensemble-based forecasts, faster than real-time tsunami simulation, magneto-hydrodynamics simulations, and physics-based hazard assessment.
This session is organized by the Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE) with the support of the European Plate Observatory System (EPOS), the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure (EUDAT CDI) and the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE). The organisers plan to submit a proposal for an Advances in Geosciences (ADGEO) EGU General Assembly special volume on one or more EGU Divisions.