The ChEESE methodology: code audit towards exascale performance portability of ten European flagship applications in Solid Earth.
26 June 2019

By Mauricio Hanzich and Piero Lanucara


With the recent news about the EUROHPC JU initiative, it has become clear that computing power is of paramount importance to Europe in various disciplines, including Earth Sciences.


Following the initiative, pre-Exascale and Petascale class supercomputers will be available to all European researchers in selected countries. The great milestones behind EUROHPC JU will enable better and broader science.  ChEESE wants to link the Solid Earth scientific community and the HPC component. The major challenges in ChEESE are related to the study of volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis and it will develop some pilots for demonstrating the capability for providing society-centric services as a product from HPC. As part of the pilot building process, ChEESE will improve the performances of ten flagship applications.


Simulation from ChEESE flagship code Parody­­_PDAF: Maps of the radial component of magnetic induction and of the azimuthal component of flow, both at shell mid‐depth, after 1000 years, that is the spin‐up time of the system. Also shown are the maps of the difference between the reference and each estimate (multiplied by a factor of 5)

ChEESE's WP2, led by CINECA, aims at improving code development and efficiency, moving the flagship applications closer to exascale. To do this, WP2 partially relies on another Center of Excellence (CoE): POP.

PoPPOP is constantly supporting CoE activities and is strongly related to the WP2 T2.1 task (code audit). Code audits are crucial to ChEESE for the following reasons:

• Define and homogenize the metrics used to qualify and quantify the performance of the flagship applications in the different steps (milestones) of the project.

• Measure flagship performances in the selected test cases, which are crucial to pilots and to address the so-called computational bottlenecks.

This task is led by BSC and makes use of the HPC skills and tools, provided by the POP team.

Interesting results are coming soon. Stay tuned!