The meeting objectives are the following ones:
• High-level F2F technical meeting involving workpackage leaders (WPLs), task leaders (TLs) and flagship code lead developers (LDs) to coordinate the different tasks in WP2, WP3 and WP4.
• Explain the first code audit round strategy (T2.1).
• Specify the flagship code requirements for T2.2 (single-node optimization), T2.3 (multi-node optimization) and T2.4 (I/O bottlenecks), and identify who and how will perform each
optimization task.
• Specify the requirements of flagship codes and Pilot Demonstrators for T3.4 (workflow manager). This includes the ChEESE definition of workflow(s) and the identification of
generic workflow components shared by different pilots and future services (e.g. data acquisition and pre-process, interaction between multiple binaries within a job, task/job
dependencies, scheduling and allocation of computational resources, fault tolerance, code restarting, post-processing, etc.)
The meeting will take place at HLRS in Stuttgart, Germany, on the “Vaihingen Campus” of the University of Stuttgart.