Pilot specification


PD5: Physics-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA)

Contact Person

Collaborating institutions

IMO, BSC, TUM, INGV, SCEC, GEM, FAULT2SHA, Icelandic Civil Protection, Italian Civil Protection

Associated Natural hazard

Earthquakes, earthquake coupled tsunamis, earthquake-generated landslides

Software involved

SeisSol (LMU): https://github.com/SeisSol/SeisSol 

ExaHyPE (TUM): https://gitlab.lrz.de/exahype/ExaHyPE-Engine 

AWP-ODC (SCEC):  https://github.com/hzfmer/awp_odc_cpu

SHERIFS (Fault2SHA and GEM): https://github.com/tomchartier/SHERIFS 

sam(oa)² (TUM): https://gitlab.lrz.de/samoa/samoa 

OpenQuake (GEM): https://github.com/gem/oq-engine 



Mesh generation tools: Gmsh (open source), Simmetrix/SimModeler (free for academic institution), PUMGen (https://github.com/SeisSol/PUMGen/wiki)


Post-processing & Visualization: Paraview, python tools 


The softwares for the PSHA main workflow are open source codes and can be accessed using the above links. The PSHA results can be used for seismic hazard assessment.