Pilot specification


PD2: Faster Than Real-Time (FTRT) Tsunami Simulations

Contact Person

Jorge Macías Sanchez (Universidad de Málaga)


Collaborating institutions

UMA, INGV, NGI, IGN, PMEL/NOAA (with a role in pilot’s development).

Other institutions benefiting from PD results with which we collaborate: IEO, IHC, IGME, IHM, CSIC, CCS, Junta de Andalucía all these in Spain; Italian Civil Protection, Seismic network of Puerto Rico (US), SINAMOT (Costa Rica), SHOA and UTFSM (Chile), GEUS (Denmark), JRC (EC), University of Malta, INCOIS (India), SGN (Dominican Republic), UNESCO, NCEI/NOAA (US), ICG/NEAMTWS, ICG/CARIBE-EWS, among others.

Associated Natural hazard

Tsunamis, earthquake-generated tsunamis, landslide-generated tsunamis

Software involved

Tsunami-HySEA has been successfully tested with the following tools and versions:

  • Compilers: GNU C++ compiler 7.3.0 or 8.4.0, OpenMPI 4.0.1, Spectrum MPI 10.3.1, CUDA 10.1 or 10.2

  • Management tools: CMake 3.9.6 or 3.11.4

  • External/third party libraries: NetCDF 4.6.1 or 4.7.3, PnetCDF 1.11.2 or 1.12.0


  • Nesting mesh generation tools.

  • In-house developed python tools for pre-processing purposes. 

Visualization tools:

  • In-house developed python tools.


Up-to-now we have provided the Service to external users providing access to them to an internal account in our local cluster. This has been done initially with INGV, JRC, IGN, SINAMOT, Seismic Network of Puerto Rico, UTFSM, or DIMAR (Colombia) among others. Currently we are doing so for a Copernicus Activation (for reproducibility checks) and the University of Malta.

It is implemented as Tsunami Service in the Aristotle-ENHSP project, at the TWC of Italy (CAT-INGV) and Spain (IGN) and also used at PMEL/NOAA and in the TAT system at JRC.

Forthcoming implementation in the App and Web Service of the IHC (Spain) TsuSy and SeisComp3. Implemented in TRIDEC Cloud.

An open-source version of the code can be downloaded at: 
