Type of publication
Article in journal
Year of publication
Elsevier - Parallel Computing

Joseph Schuchart, Philipp Samfass, Christoph Niethammer, José Gracia and George Bosilca


Joseph Schuchart, Philipp Samfass, Christoph Niethammer, José Gracia, George Bosilca, Callback-based completion notification using MPI Continuations, Parallel Computing, Volume 106, 2021, 102793, ISSN 0167-8191, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.parco.2021.102793.

Short summary
Asynchronous programming models (APM) are gaining more and more traction, allowing applications to expose the available concurrency to a runtime system tasked with coordinating the execution. While MPI has long provided support for multi-threaded communication and non-blocking operations, it falls short of adequately supporting APMs as correctly and efficiently handling MPI communication in different models is still a challenge. We have previously proposed an extension to the MPI standard providing operation completion notifications using callbacks, so-called MPI Continuations. This interface is flexible enough to accommodate a wide range of different APMs.