Type of publication
Publication in Conference Proceedings/Workshop
Year of publication
XXVI Congreso de EcuacionesDiferenciales y AplicacionesXVI Congreso de Matem ́atica Aplicada
Link to the publication
José M. González-Vida, Sergio Ortega, Jorge Macías, Manuel J. Castro, Alberto Michelini, Adriano Azzarone. What is the humanitarian aid required after tsunami? Proceedingsof the XXVI Congreso de EcuacionesDiferenciales y AplicacionesXVI Congreso de Matem ́atica Aplicada (2021).
Short summary
What is the humanitarian aid required after tsunami?José M. González-Vida1, Sergio Ortega1, Jorge Macías2, Manuel J. Castro2, Alberto Michelini3, AdrianoAzzarone31.jgv@uma.es,sergio.ortega@uma.es.Dpto. Matemática Aplicada. Universidad de Málaga, Spain2.jmacias@uma.es,mjcastro@uma.esDpto. Anál. Matemático, Estadística e I.O y Mat. Aplicada. Universidad de Málaga, Spain3. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Roma, ItalyAbstractIn this work it is illustrated how the urgent computing (UC) capabilities in the tsunami natural hazard frame-work are strengthening the monitoring and analysis functions of the European Emergency Response CoordinationCentre (ERCC) and its Situational Awareness Sector (SAS) by helping to design the multi-hazard advice serviceat global level and on a 24/7 operational basis. In this context, the ARISTOTLE-eENHSP project (All Risk Inte-grated System TOwards Trans-boundary hoListic Early-warning - enhanced European Natural Hazards ScientificPartnership) has been designed to offer a flexible and scalable system that can provide new hazard-related servicesto the ERCC.