Italy´s Congresso Nazionale is an annual five-day conference that brings roughly 600 physicists together to discuss advances, challenges and updates in physics among different scientific sectors. This year´s event, 106° Congresso Nazionale (106th National Congress), was held virtually on 14-18 September 2020.
Although the congress usually focuses on Italian researchers and their work, ChEESE coordinator Arnau Folch was invited to give a presentation due to his close working relationship with Italian institutions such as Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and CINECA. His talk, which took place under the Geophysics and physics of the environment session on 18 September 2020 at 15:00, was titled “A computational model for atmospheric transport and deposition of tephra,dust, SO2and radionuclides”.
The presentation focused on one of ChEESE´s flagship codes, FALL3D, and how it was used to simulate test cases such as the SO2 cloud dispersal from the 2019 Raikoke eruption, the tephra dispersal of the 23 February 2013 Etna eruption, and the dispersal of radionuclides during the 1986 Chernobyl accident.
“It was a great opportunity to be invited to speak at this event,” said Folch. “The Congresso Nazionale is the premiere congress for physicists in Italy and a great avenue for disseminating the results of the ChEESE project.”
View the presentation here.