ChEESE talks about building a GPU ecosystem for earth science at GTC 2021
14 April 2021



ChEESE researchers Piero Lanucara (CINECA) and Josep de la Puente (BSC) presented the talk "The ChEESE Effort Toward Building a GPU Ecosystem for Earth Science" at the GPU Technology Conference 2021 (GTC 2021) on 13 April 2021 at 11:00-11:40 CEST.

The presentation focused on the big effort in the ChEESE project toward building a GPU ecosystem. The presentation was split into two main pillars: The ChEESE flagship applications description and their GPU capabilities.  Technical aspects related to the code developments and technology used (CUDA or OpenACC, and the motives to do that) were covered, as well as benchmarking numbers on ChEESE use cases. Furthermore, the talk described in which systems these applications will run and what new science is made possible thanks to NVIDIA GPUs (in the case of the ChEESE, the possible demonstrators that will run on PRACE and EuroHPC systems).