Satellite data from ArcGIS
ChEESE had successfully run a simulation of the Mw 7 Samos-Izmir earthquake that affected Turkey in 2020 as part of it´s work on Pilot Demonstrator 1 “Urgent Seismic Simulations”. ChEESE researchers used waveform modelling software Salvus (provided by Mondaic) which is embedded in the project´s Urgent Computing (UC) Service prototype. Accurate up to 20 Hz and with the total number of unknowns reaching over 164 quadrillions*, this is the largest Salvus simulation to date that required the use of the whole BSC-CNS MareNostrum 4 supercomputer. The project will use the result of the large and several smaller-scale simulations to further develop and optimise its UC service.
The simulations are a key output of the ChEESE project and have been supported by the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES).
* 214 244 147 elements, 512 grid points per element, 14 fields per grid point, and 107 224 time steps, amounting to 164 664 116 147 707 904 unknowns.