ChEESE partners from LMU Munich, the Technical University of Munich (TUM), ETH Zurich, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) came together to organise a virtual training course on Zoom called "CHEESE Advanced Training on HPC for Computational Seismology" on 21-23 October 2020.
Participants connecting from Europe, Asia, North America, South America and Australia were introduced to high-performance computational seismology software packages ExaHyPE, Salvus, SeisSol and SPECFEM3D and were given an overview of their similarities, differences, and areas of applicability. Unique and in-depth half-day practicals were provided for each package, with computational resources provided by HLRS. Participants were also encouraged to pre-record one-minute lightning talks about their research, which were played during each day´s lightning talk session.
The main talks were recorded while the practicals, which took place in breakout rooms, were not. View the recordings here:
CHEESE Advanced Training on HPC for Computational Seismology Day 1-Introducing the codes
CHEESE Advanced Training on HPC for Computational Seismology Day 2-SeisSol session
CHEESE Advanced Training on HPC for Computational Seismology Day 2-SPECFEM3D session
CHEESE Advanced Training on HPC for Computational Seismology Day 3-Salvus session & Wrap up
View some of the presentations here:
Introduction to Zoom and Cluster
Seismic Simulations using the ExaHyPE Engine
View the group photos here: