ChEESE 2021 Highlights
05 January 2022

Despite another year of challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, ChEESE members have persevered in their commitment to excellence. Here are some of the project´s achievements in the year 2021:
- Strengthening and promoting more activities under ShEESE, ChEESE´s Equality Committee.
- Successful exercises of ChEESE Pilot Demonstrators in Urgent Seismic Simulations, Volcanic hazard Assessment, Tsunami Urgent Computing and Faster Than Real-Time Tsunami Simulations.
- Carrying out the second edition of ChEESE´s highly popular Advanced Training on HPC for Computational Seismology.
- Publication of 14 scientific papers in journals such as Nature Communications, Frontiers in Earth Science, etc.
- The completion of the Frontiers in Earth Science special issue called "High-Performance Computing in Solid Earth Geohazards: Progresses, Achievements and Challenges for a Safer World", which was led by an editorial board of ChEESE women members.
- Presentation of ChEESE research and results in 33 conferences, workshops and other events, including the EGU21, AGU21 and SC21.
- Our partner Alice-Agnes Gabriel was elected as EGU Seismology Division President for 2023-2025.